We believe that woodfired ceramics has a character that makes it need an exclusive communication channel, since the techniques we use are also exclusive. In recent years, woodfiring is experiencing a boom all over the world that makes necessary a publication that serves to share experiences, techniques and thoughts of potters from around the world.
At woodfiring.net we are ceramists, with a long trajectory in wood firings and also in the edition of magazines, we organize firings and courses, we dictate lectures on the subject and we try to expand daily the knowledge about the use of wood firing as a distinctive technique in the field of ceramics.
But we are also interested in deepening another of the characteristics of wood firing: the feeling of community that makes those of us who use this type of firing part of something that is bigger than individualities.
We hope you enjoy the articles and information we share with you and, above all, we hope you are interested in collaborating. Please ask us how you can send us your articles, we are sure you have interesting things to share with fellow wood firers.
Sara González and Wladimir Vivas
Pelahustán, Toledo, Spain